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3-year-old Aras Sönmez died of Strep A

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Melike Sahin / NTV Istanbul

3-year-old Aras Sönmez on his birthday, two weeks ago, caused by Strep A bacteria. infection died due to

Father Oğuz Buğrahan Sönmez said, “He had cold and flu-like illnesses. We took Aras to his doctor, who constantly monitors him. He was resting at home for about 10 days. His illness was over. This period continued for a month or two. He just said that he had itching on his body, unlike before,” he said.

His mother shared her son’s death on a dictionary platform as a warning to parents. agenda it happened.

3-year-old Aras Sönmez died of Strep A - 1


Aras fell ill and died within a day.

Father Sönmez said, “We saw that this side of him started to bruise. The lumpy things on his nose started to turn purple. Meningitis immediately came to mind. We took him to Etlik City Hospital with that suspicion. It took me 15 minutes to get to the hospital. Within forty minutes, this bruise spread throughout Aras’s body. After that, the doctors gave a general information, that they would be taken to the intensive care unit. We started antibiotic treatment immediately, they said intravenously,” he said.

Aras’s kidneys stopped working in a short time, his heart stopped and he died.

Doctors said the cause of death was due to Strep A.

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Father Sönmez said, “If he could take even a child with no health problems within 3-4 hours, nothing like this should happen to anyone. Because losing a child is very difficult. God bless the doctors. They made the necessary interventions. We heard it for the first time with our own child. Even if a child survives, it is very important to us. Everyone should follow their children one by one,” he warned.

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Strep A is a disease that can cause infections of the respiratory tract, throat, and skin. bacteria Type. As it causes mild tonsillitis infections, especially the type that is transmitted through the skin can be fatal. Dozens of children in Europe have died from strep A.
