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14 reasons to have sex “now”! –

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It is good for a woman’s heart: Women who have sex once or twice a week are less likely to get it heart disease from those who do it once a month. It is not clear whether this is because healthier women enjoy it more often or because it helps protect a woman’s heart.

It can cure your headache: Say goodbye to the familiar saying, “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache.” It turns out that sex can help with pain, and that includes certain types of headaches, like migraines.

Reduces stress: People who have more sex are less anxious when faced with stressful tasks such as public speaking or math-related tasks. But according to the study, it only works when you have a partner — masturbation doesn’t count.

You may live longer: One study showed that married women who had more frequent sexual satisfactions had a slight tendency to live longer. Researchers aren’t sure if sex lengthens your life or if sex is a sign of a healthier person. But why risk it?

Sharpens your mind: Sex has been linked to the creation of new brain cells, and that’s a good thing. People over 50 who had more sex were better able to remember numbers and do basic math, and the difference was quite large. It seemed to help men more than women, but both did better than those who had less sex.

Makes you happy: You don’t need to overdo it — once a week is enough. More than that, and the effect fades. But the scientists only studied couples in committed relationships, so if you’re trying to meet your quota by picking up strangers at your local bar, all bets are off.

Bonds you to your partner: The hormone oxytocin is released during sex and causes feelings of intimacy, affection and closeness with your partner. This helps create a strong, stable relationship, which is good for everyone.

Helps maintain a healthy body weight: The more sex you have, the thinner they are. Is it because more sex keeps you fit? Or because thin people have more sex? Scientists don’t really know, but all you need is a partner and a bathroom scale to try to find out.

Good for Mental Health: Adults in committed relationships who have more sex are less likely to be depressed or take medication for mental health problems.

Helps fight colds: College students who had sex twice a week had more cold antibodies in their saliva than those who had sex less often.

Helps you sleep: Orgasm triggers a surge of endorphins and oxytocin in both men and women and this reduces pain and relaxes you. Both can help you fall asleep more easily, although according to scientists — and many women — the effect is more pronounced in men.

You could have a baby: If you’re trying to have a baby, the more sex you have, the more likely you’ll hit the right time of the month. But more sex can also prime women for pregnancy and improve sperm quality in men, which can speed things up.

It helps the future health of your body: People who have more sex may have a better quality of life — and not just now, but in the future. If you have an active sex life in middle age, you’re more likely to maintain it as you get older, which is associated with better health and happiness.


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