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10 ways to increase your sex drive –

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It is normal and natural for one’s sex drive, also known as libido, to fluctuate over time. Sex drives are affected by everything from daily stress to hormonal fluctuations, and our sexual urges they visibly decrease, to some extent, with age. However, it is possible to maintain a healthy sex drive as you grow older.

If you want to have a greater desire for intimacy than you currently experience, there are many simple methods to improve your sex drive.

Read on to learn about ten different ways to increase your libido:

1 Manage stress

It’s hard to feel sexual when you’re stressed which has been shown to worsen sexual dysfunction.

2 Treat depression

Depression can have a negative effect on libido just like anxiety. If you are experiencing low libido caused by depression medication, consult your doctor.

3 Improve sleep quality

A good one sleep is the key to a good day. Sleep disorders are linked to many different health problems, including low libido and sexual dysfunction. If you’re having trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor about possible treatments.

4 Try effective natural remedies

Studies have shown that some natural remedies that promise to increase libido have risks that outweigh their benefits, while others are effective and tend not to have side effects.

There are many different natural herbs that have been shown to improve everything from libido to virility and fertility. Some of the most popular include maca, ginseng and ginko biloba.

5 Excercise

Exercise has been shown to increase libido. There are many ways that physical activity helps improve sex drive, and they include positive body image, improved cardiovascular health and mood, increased sympathetic nervous system activity, and improved endocrine system.

6 Eat libido-boosting foods

Although there is no magic food that will instantly increase your sex drive, there is a lot of truth behind the idea of ​​aphrodisiac foods. These foods they focus more on getting essential nutrients and good qualities rather than magically “pushing” your buttons to make you want to have sex.

Some types of foods that are good for libido include:

  • Zinc-rich foods that regulate testosterone and stamina, such as oysters, red meat and pine nuts
  • Stamina and circulation boosters like fresh produce, whole grains and legumes
  • Foods high in flavonoids that help prevent sexual dysfunction, such as citrus fruits, peppers, tea and cocoa

Read more:

Which red foods will give you an elevated sexual mood

7 Limit foods that lower libido

Foods that can improve your sex drive are known as aphrodisiacs and the foods that can reduce it further are named aphrodisiacs and have nutrients or properties that can reduce your sexual health. These foods include:

  • High saturated fat, as found in fried foods, leads to clogged arteries and reduced blood flow
  • Soy, which can increase estrogen
  • Polyunsaturated fats, such as vegetable oil, can lower testosterone levels
  • High sodium, which raises blood pressure
  • Foods that require insulin to process, such as white flour and sugar, can lower testosterone levels 12

8 Work on your relationship

The longer you are in a relationship, the more common it is to feel that the sexual chemistry between you is at an all-time high. Not feeling sexually attracted to your partner can prove difficult to achieve. This can be resolved by working together on your relationship.

You can try sexual therapy together, couples therapy, plan date nights, go on vacation together, or do more intentional touching together. The better your relationship feels emotionally, the more likely you are to want to be intimate with your partner.

9 Practice body neutrality

Sometimes people experience low sex drive because they don’t feel comfortable in their bodies. One way to deal with this difficulty effectively is to practice body neutrality. It’s the idea of ​​accepting your body as it is, not trying to love it when that’s not possible, and being grateful for the functions it can perform.

Body neutrality can be practiced in many different ways, from the way you choose the clothes you wear to the way you choose the foods you eat. Plus, it has many mental health benefits, some of which, like reducing stress, naturally improve sex drive.

10 Limit alcohol and other substances

It should come as no surprise that alcohol and drugs can have a negative impact on your sex drive.

Alcohol can have a negative impact on parts of your body that are important for sexual function and drive, from blood flow to organ function

Drugs like cocaine can make you feel really good for a few moments and give you the feeling that you have a higher sex drive right now. However, they then leave you exhausted and thus, do far more harm than good in this area.

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