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10 reasons why couples stop having sex –

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Talking about intimacy and sex is difficult for many couples. And yet if couples manage to understand the reasons why their sex life stopped, it is the first step to improving it.

Sex is the most sensitive subject of all between the two partners. Even those who disclose all kinds of personal information often remain silent when the subject of their sex lives comes up. Often partners are reluctant to turn to each other and talk about it, perhaps afraid of what they are going to hear or not hear.

In an effort to help those who are afraid to approach this topic, the psychologist Barbara Greenberg Ph.D. lists the most common reasons couples stop having sex. The list is based on the experiences of all those who were able to speak openly about this topic in their sessions with her.

  1. They are afraid of what they will hear.People fear that they will find out that their partner no longer finds them attractive. They may also fear that their partner is having sex with others outside of the relationship. There is also the fear that they will be replaced and abandoned. With all these fears, it’s easy to see why no one asks questions.
  2. The relationship turns into a “partnership”.In this context, partners work together to maintain a lifestyle that they both want or need. Love, romance and even sexuality may have left this arrangement long ago. The couple may discuss money, but not sex.
  3. Exhaustion.You all know this reason and how it affects sexual desire. Between work and taking care of children, or even elderly parents, or the many other daily responsibilities, sex takes a place low on the list of priorities. It can be hard to even think about sex if you have absolutely no energy left.
  4. They don’t feel good about their bodies.Over the years, the body changes. It can be a result of age, health issues, lack of exercise, having children, overeating, etc. Whatever the reason, someone who feels bad about their body usually has a hard time getting naked in front of their partner.
  5. Discomfort during sex.This can happen to anyone, but is most often heard from women who, as they get older, experience problems with dryness and pain during sex. Many are reluctant to discuss it with their gynecologist due to embarrassment or shame.
  6. Restlessness or simply “boredom”.Quite simply, the lack of novelty and the same sexual routine may no longer be attractive.
  7. Lack of trust after infidelity.You may have gotten back together with your partner after a possible infidelity. But trust is still an issue that stands between you. Who wants to feel close to someone they don’t trust?
  8. Poor hygiene.Your partner may have stopped paying attention to their personal hygiene before coming to bed. This is a difficult subject, repulsive but at the same time sensitive.
  9. Anger.That speaks for itself. Someone who feels angry with their partner is unlikely to have sexual desires. It is critical for couples to work through any anger issues they may have because they can affect many areas of their lives, and of course, their sex life.
  10. Otherwise I “believe” in parenting.One partner is strict and the other more tolerant. If they are constantly arguing about how to raise children, they are unlikely to want to “submit” to the act that created them. And of course, this different behavior stresses both the couple and the children.


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